Welcome to Krebe-Tippo
Krebe-Tippo d.o.o. is a company with more than sixty years old tradition and experiences about producing industrial washing and processing equipment.

In 1956 company HIMO started with the production of domestic washers located in Maribor. Domestic washers were later being produced in Velenje and HIMO was taken over by Primat.

In 1969 Primat, one of the biggest Yugoslavian State's companies, started to produce Industrial Laundry Equipment as an addition to a lot of other already existing production systems.

In the year of 1989 the PRIMAT’s brand of industrial laundry equipment “PRIMAT-Pralna tehnika” was renamed to TIPPO. TIPPO, Tovarna Industrijske Pralne in Procesne Opreme in translation Factory of Industrial Washing and Processing equipment.

Private company owned by the Krepek family, relocated the production of Industrial Laundry Equipment to our current location and specialised in Industrial Washing Machinery.
“Years of technical experience with constantly investing in people, developing new products and service, we are setting high performance standards in working with our customers to provide only the best solutions in laundry processing.”
Mojca Krepek (CEO)

Goals & Achievements
Years of hard work and high goals have brought a lot of success on our long journey with the support of many partners and satisfied users.